Friday, June 19, 2009

Exodus 25-29

Again with today's reading, the specifics simply slayed me. The movie rolling in my mind of Moses trying to keep up with those directions had me rolling with laughter.

My "Believer on Retainer" told me I didn't really have to read all of those specifics about the building of the ark. I have to admit though, I was intrigued by the specific directions.

It does tend to lend to the authenticity of the Bible. Like, why would anyone leave that in after all of these years if it weren't important. I just keep thinking that through its many writes and rewrites, someone would have said

"can't we just leave all this useless drivel out, no one reads it anyway"

And because its still here, well to me that sort of says something; what is says I'm not quite sure.

I wish a had a video of myself reading about the blood and the mutilation of the bull, it would probably be quite funny.

The details, are confusing, again to me. I mean what is all the "fat that covers the entrails, and the appendage that is on the liver...." about?! and the blood! They are dabbing blood, pouring blood, sprinkling blood, pretty much everything but drinking blood.

The only sense I can make out of any of it, is like, its a big test. An obstacle course, to prove your love for the Lord?

I know I'm not suppose to be trying to figure it all out. Sometimes however, thats hard for me to turn off. At times I can be a bit like a 4yr old. I want to know why? Why this? Why that? Why?

I must say that I do like that the smell if the bull's entrails burning is a smell that is sweet and satisfying to the Lord.

I enjoy that visual.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I too think the specifics are interesting, but as a matter of theology I didn't think it was necessary for Crystal to read the more repetitive verses concerning the details of the Tent of Meeting and Ark of the Covenant. Although, I will say that the attention to detail (by God) is astounding and shows that He is a God of excellence. Also, the structural facets are great because they show the quality to which they were built...dolphin skins for the top so that it was waterproof, etc.

As it states over and over, God likes us to give willingly, and not out of a sense of obligation.

It's also about obedience. With such great detail, would the Israelites cut corners or make them exactly like the Lord told them to.

Everything that is set apart to the Lord was (and is) to be kept Holy. God wants us to be the same way. In the New Testament we'll read it as not putting new wine into old wine skins. God wants us to be different. He wants people to see us and think, there's just something different about that person....they have a joy, a peace, or a strength that I've never seen before. You need to be sanctified (then thru symbolic animal sacrifice and now thru the sacrifice of Jesus) to be near God or in His presence. It's not enough to be just "good".

The Lord is willing and wants to dwell among them. Just like He wants a personal relationship with be a part of every aspect of our lives...this is the reason He created man.

If you'll notice that them men who are building all of these things have God-given talents, wisdom, understanding, etc. And they have different talents, and different levels of ability.

The Sabbath is brought up over and over. Again, very important. God wants us to honor the Sabbath. Since God created us He knows our nature, He knows that we need rest. It's not just a spiritual thing, it's a physiological one as well.