Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Exodus 14-17

Well boys and girls, I made a mistake yesterday and read a bit too far, therefore today's will be rather short.

Today we watch as poor Moses is trying to keep everybody happy. I mean, he's lead them out of bondage, you think that would be enough. But noooo they want food and water as well.

I can't help feeling bad for these people that God chooses to do his work here on Earth. In the movie playing in my mind, Moses has about had it, much like Abraham.

I just want him to yell "ENOUGH WITH THE COMPLAINING, PEOPLE!"

This guy has performed miracle after miracle in order to free these people, he PARTED A SEA for crying out loud, you think they would give him a break.

But Moses troops on, he gets them water and he gets them a steady stream of manna from heaven. All that he asks is that they take just what the need, no more, no less; they do not leave any, because it will spoil, and that on the 6th day they take double because on the 7th, there shall be none.

Do they listen?

Some do, some don't.

Do you think he stood outside on Sunday and watched the people who came out looking for their manna and said "REALLY?! You can't be serious? I simply ask that you take double on the 6th day, as there will be none on the 7th day, and THAT you cannot manage?"

However, God always delivered, but at one point he was even like "Moses, bro...what is with these's like they need some sort of written laws to abide by!?" (OK, so I made the last part up, but I bet some sort of ancient light bulb went off over His head)

Even being a Skeptic, I am pretty sure that if all of these crazy things, such as bread raining from the sky and frogs taking over the world, were happening around me, I wouldn't question Moses motives.

But I do think that at times Moses doesn't even know what his next move is. It seems like at each turn he's awaiting further instructions. This may be part of the problem, he's getting his info in a "need to know" basis.

I just hope he's getting enough sleep.


Jamie said...

The Israelites are a very hard headed people (or stiff-necked as most transl. say). But God is cont. to deliver and take care of them, but they're not being very faithful. Moses is setting up what we (the U.K. and U.S.) will later use as our model for our court system (dist. courts, appeals, etc.)

I've got to wonder, like the comedian Jim Gaffigan, when Moses parted the Red Sea did he say anything? "Ta Da!" But I digress.

God is displaying how great his patience is. He is directing, guiding, protecting, and providing for them, but they just aren't satisfied. But regardless of their lack of faithfulness and obedience, God will remain faithful to them and to fulfill His Word.

Keep an eye on Joshua, he's a mighty man of God, too.

Jamie said...

Also, you were supposed to read thru 18. I think you've spent too much time with small children this week.