Monday, June 1, 2009

The Backstory

Alright, so here's the abbreviated version of the events that lead me today to my computer....and the Bible.

I am The Sceptic

6 months ago I assumed that I had it all figured out. I was not a religious person, I did not and do not attend church (although I have off and on throughout my life). I would have told you that I believe in God, although I was teetering on the brink of atheism. I did and still do believe that Jesus existed and was a swell guy. Just as swell a guy as The Buddha, and Allah and any number of loving, unconditionally great people throughout history. I did not, and as of today, do not think he was immaculately conceived, or rose on the third day or healed the sick. Which means ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.....that I am not a Christian.

My friend Jamie is The Believer

6 months ago I got a message on facebook from a guy I knew for a very brief time in high school. We had been pretty close in that brief time, but after he moved away, that was that. It had been 20 yrs since I last spoke to him. One of the first things I said to him was "I figured you were in prison somewhere" He was one of those boys back then. One of his first questions to me was why I had written that I hated Sara Palin.

From that conversation one of the strangest friendships in the history of friendships was born.

We are ALMOST the exact opposite versions of one another, and yet I would have to say that he is one of my very best friends.

He asked me a few months back if I would read and discuss the Bible with him. We live on opposite ends of the country and so we text a lot and we talk occasionally. I love to write so I thought it would make a pretty interesting blog.

His hope, I think, is that I will "see the light". Its my hope as well, actually. I've told him on more than one occasion that I envy his faith. Faith is just not something I have ever had. I just don't believe in anything. That said, even I can't help seeing the coincidence of Jamie coming into my life out of the blue after 20 yrs. and he and I becoming such close friends against all reason. So what if this was God's plan, which I know is what Jamie thinks it is.

So through this I hope to gain an understanding of Faith, God, Jamie, and myself.

We will read it over the course of a year. I will attempt to blog about what I read everyday. I hope to hold our discussions here as well. Over the course of this year I may change dramatically, slightly, not at all........

and so it goes...............


Jamie said...

OK, I am Jamie. And although I'm tempted to berrate Crystal for all of her spelling errors, I won't. I just ask Crystal to not read judgmentally. She asked if I expected her to read it as though it were a fact (the creationism part). And my reply was, Do you read evolutionary THEORY material as though it were fact? She said she saw my point. I think for now I'm satisfied with just having her read it at all. Preferably open-mindedly. Btw, I know that no one is perfect, and I am certainly no exception. I sometimes misspell words, but if you follow this, you find her spelling skills agregious. She is, though, my very best friend (besides my wife).

Whendsome said...

Its true! I own up to everything he says in regards to my spelling. I have a serious spelling problem. Please forgive me, I know not what i do.

Whendsome said...

I want to add to something I said earlier. I said that Jamie and I were almost complete opposites of one another, which is true. Our contrasts are almost comical, however here's where I need to add something.
Whats strange about it is, although we are so very different, I have more in common with him than I do almost anyone else.
It is actually the ideal best friend situation. You can enjoy the things you have in common together and you can learn about the things you don't.
ANYWAY....just wanted to clarify that.