Saturday, April 3, 2010
The end....and the Beginning
Are there holes in the logic? Sure there are, a old skeptic like me will still ask questions but I am now willing to accept faith as an acceptable answer. As someone who has had no faith in anyone or anything for her entire life, this comes as a welcomed gift. Its as if I can let go a little, worry a little less and feel safe and at peace that no matter what everything is going to be alright. I've never felt that way....ever. This is all I wanted, truly. All I wanted was to have faith in something, to be able to believe in something....I got that and so much more.
And so 3 days ago I began my life with a fresh outlook. I have accepted Jesus Christ as the son of God, and my personal savior, I have admitted that I am indeed a sinner and accept that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I accept the 10 commandments as the Law of God, and will try with all of my heart to follow them (especially that murder one, butt that one may be hard).
So, here I am, this is the new and improved me.....this is the beginning.
Psalm 46:10
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Revelations 20-22
A new glorious and peacefully kind world emerges.
The bowl o plagues angels comes and takes John to see the Lambs bride to be...John sees Jerusalem descending from the heavens. Not the old dirty Jerusalem but a new and improved city, all shiny and new and bejewled.
And there they are:THE PEARLY GATES!
There shall be no need for lamplight or sunlight, God will illuminate. Jamie and I were discussing the idea of light the other night. How Jesus is referred to as the Light. When you boil down life as we know it on earth it all comes down to light. There is absolutely nothing that we need to survive that doesn't come directly or indirectly from the use of light. We simply could not live without it. Thus, I find the vs. 22:5 "and there shall be no more night; they have no need for lamplight or sunlight, for the Lord God will illuminate them and be their light...." So interesting as it relates to our discussion.
John is told then to share to book. Do not add to it or take from it.
So be it......I DID IT.
Tomorrow I shall sum it all up.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Revalations 17-19
A great heavenly party takes place. Lots of rejoicing, exulting, and then...a wedding! But first Truth on a white horse.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Revelations 13-16
So whats with this 666 thing? I had no idea it was actually in the Bible, I just thought it was a morphing of different crap. Whilst the beast is in control, only people with the "mark" are able to buy and sell, etc...
I had NO idea exactly how Biblical the Harry Potter series really is. After reading this whole book and having read that entire series (some more than once) I can't believe some Christians are against these books. Furthur proving my point that you can't critize without proper knowledge.
The death eaters taking over, in the end, they all of the mark on their arm....Harry Potter is called "The Boy who Lived" and the only reason he lived is because his mom sacrificed herself for him. As sacrificial love is the strongest thing, tis what gave him his powers. The whole question of the series is "how is it that little simingly ordinary, Harry can continue to win over Voldemort (the greastest dark wizard who ever lived), and what is this great prophesy?" We find out that the prophesy says that both simply cannot live, one must go, as long as one lives the other can't. Just like Jamie always says, God cannot live with sin, just can't.....doesn't even factor in, because it just can't be. Harry and Voldemort cannot both live, simply can't. Wow, I may have to go back and re read them a gain, whilst I read the Bible a gain and find more connections. I've read many interview where the author of these books says, after the fact, that yes indeed she is a Christian. She didn't want to make a big deal of it however because she was afraid the readers would see what was coming in the books. I must admit I, at the time would not have. But now, having read the Bible I would. I'm sure there are countless websites that have already done this (made the connection betwixt the 2) but I, obvioulsy, am a "see for myself kinda gal".
the Lamb has an army standing guard on Mt. Zion, of 144,000 men whom are blameless in everything, no sex, no lies (no videotapes?).....Angels are flying around shouting orders and telling people that those who worship the staues of the beast are in big trouble. Then Jesus comes down on a cloud and He and His angels begin to harvest the earth. They harvest the bad people and throw them into a giant winepress and begin to squish them like grapes and blood pours out like wine. The blood is as deep as a horses back. (fantastic visual)
Then, we meet the 7 angels with the bowl o' plagues that must be emptied....sores, bloody seas, bloody rivers and streams, super hot sun, darkness thus causing gnawing of tongues, dried up Euphrates (which is probably more of a good thing, being that it was nothing but a bloody mess), lastly the voice of God announcing the end.
But not really because then there was a giant earthquake, the likes of which has yet to be seen on this here planet.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Revelations 9-12
The 5th angel blew his horn and a dark hole to no where opens and smoke like that of a furnace (the smoke monster from Lost???!) comes out and covers the sun. Then thr locust come, but thet are commanded not to kill the plants, and they are given the same stinging powers of the scorpian.
Not each the plants, you say..?
Whatever shall they do then?
They shall sting the people whom do not have the mark of God, until they beg and seek death and yet death is no where to be found ahhhahh hhaaa aahhhhh!
Maddness I tell you, this is maddness.
These are no ordinary locusts, ohhhhh no. These crazy things have on little tiny clothes, and long woman hair and human faces?! I know that this shall be a horrible day for some people but I just wonder, before it gets to the point that you are begging for death, if they are going to be cracking up, just a bit.
The 6th angel blew his horn allerting 4 angels on earth who were instructed to wipe out 1/3 of mankind.
....and then we get the 7th angel...wait no we don't. Before the seventh angel is ready to blow his horn, John is called to eat the scroll. Its taste great going down, but doesn't sit too well. For when the 7th trumpet sounds God shall secret design will be complete.
AND then we get the 7th angel: A pregnant woman, clothed in the sun with the moon under her feet and a crown of stars (I smell my next painting, the painting is already complete in my head actually, just have to get it out of there and onto a canvas). A red dragon (hence the movie title and creepy character) battling angels, basically all hell literally breaks loose....
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Revelation 4-8
Four angels appear however and make sure that none of these things harm the children of God, the Lamb appears to lead these people to safety.
Then the last seal is opened and there is silence (the calm before the storm). Then the seven angels who were standing before God rain fire and brimstone, blood and stars upon the earth. The seas are thus polluted and living creatures perish.
Wormwood is the last name of the terrible father of Matilda, so that makes since.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Revelation 1-3
The thing is that I feel so close to this blog, almost like its one of my kids. I've seen this little white box almost ever single day for 301 days. I've blogged from 3 of the Florida Keys, Austin and Houston, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, in the car, in my bed, sitting quietly in my living room at 5:30 in the morning, outside, state parks, my camper...the list goes on and on....
I shall also miss the "ib" text I sent to announce that the deed had bean done, and I will miss anticipating the reciprocal text I get. I will miss the excitement of a new book, especially one I know nothing of. I will miss meeting all of these new people and realizing that through them I learn who I am.
This has been an amazing journey that I got to take with an amazing person who stuck by me and encouraged me through the really difficult times. The times when I was just about ready to throw in the towel and call it quits, he told me to just be patient. And I did. Even when I doubted myself, he never did. I now thank God every single day for bringing such a person into my life. I'm still not sure why I was chosen to receive such a gift be it.
And now Revelations: John was the lucky guy who got to receive this news. Jesus visits him with a bunch of lamps. Seven lamps and seven stars and seven churches. (7's prime you know). I am the Alpha and the Omega the Beginning and the End, such amazingly powerful words, right?! I am everything, all encompassing...
"And I will give him the Morning Star"
"He who is able to hear" These I guess are the true believers, these are the people who will be able to hear what He says when He makes his grand reentance into the physical world?
2:19 I know your record and what you are doing, your love and faith and service and patient endurance, and that your recent work are more numerous and greater than your first ones. I adore the idea of "patient endurance" thats what it took for me to get to where I am today, its what Jamie encouraged.
Friday, March 26, 2010
1 John 4-5, 2 John, 3 John
Thursday, March 25, 2010
1 John 1-3
Then John moves from that to love. What is good to love and what is not so good to love. Saying in 3:18, do not only love in theory and speech, but in deed and truth.
And somewhere along the way there is talk of allowing the "divine sperm" to live in you always....and that's all I have to say about that.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Jude 2Peter
Again in this book, we see talk of the Lost. Verse 10 is my favorite in this one. At the start of this wild wacky ride, I was asked many times by people close to me "why", because they knew I wasn't a Christian at the time. I always said to them....."how can I judge this faith without knowing it?" Just as 10 says...I did this time and time again.
I rarely now allow anyone to judge something they don't it the Bible, a movie, a book.... With me you don't get an opinion unless you at least attempt an understanding of it.
There will be scoffers, this I know. I was a HUGE scoffer. This is a letter warning of the temptations that lie around, be on your guard at all times. Nothing should necesssarily be up for interpretation, tis what it is. Lascivious doings, indeed.
2 Timothy
2:23 I used to be terrible at this, but as I've gotten older I've gotten better. I try now to recognize when someone is simply trying to pick a fight with me by saying empty and ignorant things. When this happens I shut them down as soon as I can or I simply walk away. Dealing with middle school children and their parents all day and a high school student at home, if I argued every time the opportunity presented itself, I'd be quite grumpy indeed.
2:25-26 is exactly what I was trying to say this weekend when you (Jamie, that is) were having that discussion online. I couldn't' really get my words to say what I was thinking, alas here it it.
I'm probably forgetting tons, but I've more reading to do this morning.... gotta get to it
Monday, March 22, 2010
Hebrews 11-13
The talk of punishment from the Lord as in punishment from an earthly father made me think of the Opus Dei practice of mortification as a example of something taken out of context and too far. Although I'm not sure this is exactly related to punishment so much as practicing suffering as a way to give homage to Jesus. Its just what I thought of.
"Do not forget or neglect or refuse to extend hospitality to strangers [in the brotherhood- being friendly, cordial, and gracious, sharing the comforts of your home and doing your part generously], for thorough it some have entertained angels without knowing it." 13:2
I love that idea, it brings to me mind Clarence visiting George Bailey. Although I think perhaps it should include those outside the brotherhood as well (under certain circumstances that is).
Be happy with where you are in life, its exactly where you need to be. (again)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Hebrews 1-6
From what I can gather he is trying to make the point well known that Jesus is above the angels, Moses, Abe....he's right under the big guy.
And then the writer sounds a tad condescending at the start of chapter 6.He comes around however, saying that you must continue to grow spiritually. Don't get to a point and say "whew, I'm done." Doesn't work that way, always strive for more.
Friday, March 19, 2010
1 Peter
I actually know a few of these Christians and I always, always refer to them when making an argument for the Faith. One of these people is my friends son, Jacob. I always say "a Christian, like Jacobs a Christian....." He should be a poster boy for the religion, if someone studied this kid, and understood Christianity through his eyes, there is no way you could argue against it. The really odd thing too is that he came to it all on his own. His parents do not attend church and I know for a fact his mother is not a Christian, not sure about his father.
Another one that always comes to mind is my daughters religion teacher at school. She has the sweetest, kindest disposition and I don't think this woman has ever done a bad thing in her life. She works tirelessly to raise money to build water wells in African villages. She gives all of her time with a peaceful smile on her face...
With people like these representing the faith, you may still disagree with it, but you can hardly argue that it isn't a good thing. I think that's the point Peter was making.
Peter continues to talk of being good, honest people so that no one has an ill word to say about the followers of Christ. I think this is a great letter and one I wish more people would read and take to heart.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I know this goes seemingly against much of what is taught about love the sinner hate the sin, but at some point I think common sense has to play a role in how decisions are made. Don't we all know when arguing with some people when its time to "agree to disagree" and walk away. I think this is what he means here.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
1 Tim
Men who preach the Word should be above the rest of us in their behavior and will power. They should be married to one woman with a tight reign on their children and household. This goes against two things we know to be true......Catholic priests can't marry(Episcopal priests can, thank you a gain Henry VIII) and the children of preachers are always the biggest hellions you know.
He also talks about woman not being able to lead the church and I shall leave that one alone. Heads of churches shan't drink or want for money. Lower downers in the church leadership can drink a little however.
Take care of the old widow. The young widow shall remarry.
More about greed and money being the root of all evil. This really is true, isn't it. If you think about all the crimes committed don't most of them boil down to some type of greed?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Yay letters...
..... and now we join our previously scheduled program already in progress.....
4:8"For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things" this may be my favorite verse. I am smitten with these words, truly.
I like when Paul tells these people to do what they are to do, without grumbling or faultfinding. Although this can sometimes be difficult, I think it is important. If you are going to do something to try to make yourself a better person, do so gladly.
Monday, March 15, 2010
super duper love 1:17-20
Also love the ideas presented in 2:10. Ive always believed that we were on a path and what we needed at each point in our lives would be there, even before I thought I believed in any higher power. This just shows how off my thinking was. Every time I was faced with a difficult situation or anytime a new person was brought into my life, I always looked for the meaning behind it. If I didn't believe in a higher power where did I think this meaning was coming from? Who did I thing brought these people into my life or presented me with the lesson behind the difficulty? I'm a nut job.
I hate to do it, because it has been so long butt I've a pop culture reference.....
The rest of this letter is very similar to the others. All of it very very good and is basically a summary and retelling of the ten commandments.
Colossians and Philemon
There is still some confusion as to what to eat, what not to eat, when to drink, when not to drink.....and just like in the other letter, we see that we are to use common sense. As long as its coming from the right place, so be it.
Chapter 3 is chock full o goodness.
Not much in Philemon. Tis another letter from Paul as he is still in prison.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Acts 27-28
I am beginning to wonder, am I reading the Bible or Homer? This is very "Odyssey-esque"
Friday, March 12, 2010
Acts 24-26
Ok wait.....Felix and his wife Drusilla?! Is this a joke? Is there a hidden camera in my living room? Has someone doctored me Bible? Felix and Drusilla sittin in a tree?! really? Huh. Crazy man, cray.....zee.
Paul is defending himself a gain. He has spent some 2 years in prison and by the end of the reading Felix has retired and Festus (?Festivus for the restofus?) has replaced him. Paul recounts once more his past and how Jesus came to him one day on the road and yadd yadda yadda he was no longer Saul but was now Paul...
Festus calls him..mad! "mad I tell you, you great learning is driving you insane" but in the end everyone agrees he most defiantly shouldn't be put to death or even imprisoned.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Acts 22-23
sooooo they unbind him and bring him before a council of priests and such. Paul stands before them and pleads his case an in doing so he causes a tiff betwixt the two factions....the Sadducees (who believe in no resurrection, nor spirit, nor angel) and the Pharisees this leads to Paul once more being taken to the barracks. He has a little chat with the Lord all the while a plot was being formed against him by the Jews.
The plot is found out however and avoided. Paul is then sent away to Antipatris.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Acts 20:4-21:40
Paul goes anyway as he is confident in God's will and protection. And just as expected he is dragged out of the city....bound, and beaten. Guards come and get him with plans to take him to barracks in order that they can figure out what the ruckus is all about.
Paul asked if he may address the people and was granted permission......
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Rom. 14-16
I think of it like the Pentecostal woman not wearing pants....if you firmly believe that that's necessary....then more power to you, I shan't judge you. But don't judge me, because I don't. That's, I feel, what Paul's saying here, if it comes from the right place inside of you, then its fine.(in matters of eating meat, not eating meat etc..... as long as you aren't not eating meat because Baal says meat on Thursdays is berry berry bad. I don't wanna be misunderstood as saying do whatever feels right to you in all things. Here I am speaking as trivial stuff like your everyday pants wearing and meat eating sorts of things.) And let me add that this is just like me not eating meat and people always wanting to talk about it and justify their reasons FOR eating meat. I always wanna scream at them I DON'T CARE WHY YOU COULD NEVER NOT EAT MEAT! AND YOU SHOULDN'T CARE WHY I CAN! Its a personal decision, I don't judge you, you shouldn't judge me....right?!
We are to listen to Him, not each other.
Paul also says don't allow people to make you stumble, keep your personal convictions strong. This is exactly what I was struggling to understand last night as I was watching The Tutors and Sir Thomas Moore was getting his head lobbed off. Sir Thomas Moore refused to swear an oath to his dear dear friend Henry VIII saying that he was the supreme head of the know the story..... He was actually pretty much the downfall of Henry, they were so close and Henry really respected and loved Sir Thomas. Anyway his wife and daughter came and begged him to just say it. If he didn't then when he was killed they would be destitute as all of his belongings would be seized by the crown. He refused and I just wonder if was thinking of these words.
And then in saying his goodbyes he seems to come down on the "pro-kiss hello" side of the argument.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Rom. 11-13
I feel like maybe I'm the wild olive in this situation?
I love all of Chapter 12, and in 13 which says, just try really really hard to love one another and the rest just falls into place. Hate and anger rob so many people of so much time. I feel so sorry when I see a person so full of hate and anger. I just wish they could understand what they are losing in spending all that negative emotion on other people. I want so badly for them to be visited by 3 ghosts like Mr. Scrooge....
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Rom. 8-10
Chapter 8 is a long discussion about faith and sin and who we are as Children of God, and what that means exactly. As Jamie is fond of saying "If God if for us, who can be against us?"
We see more proof that being baptised with water isn't the end all of eternal salvation. You have to say AND believe that Jesus is lord and he was raised from the dead, and rely on and trust in His love. I believe maybe the public baptism thing comes from the "confess publicly and speak freely and openly of your faith", part.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Rom. 4-7
I've always thought that a rather odd song. Its like "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and "The Hokey Pokey" got married and had a baby. And well that's just silly because Jesus Loves the Little Children, wouldn't give the HP a second glance, she way too flaky and hippie dippie for him.
So lets get into this here gets totally deep at times and delves into the very kind of thinking that Jamie and I love. Paul goes into a very interesting "which came first the chicken or the egg" kinda argument. The Law or Faith? If we are to just be judged by our adherence to the Law then we've no need for faith, thus no need for God...... Then on zee flip side, if we've no Law then there would be no transgression of the Law and therefore no need for God? That last part is unclear in the text but that's what I take it to mean. Faith then being the most important.
"moreover let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patient and understanding endurance."
"and endurance develops maturity of character, And character produces joyful and confident hope of eternal salvation."
From one man we were brought into sin and from one man we were delivered from it.
Then lots of talk about the Law and sin and being slaves to sin....... did we know sin before the Law was given? I sorta kinda wish I could go back to that time and just see what it felt like to not understand right from wrong......THAT would be an interesting thing to experience wouldn't it.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Acts 20:1-3 and Romans 1-3
The Romans get all sorts of freaky deaky and Paul tells them (and us) all about it. Its like little by little the trust in God begins to fall away. Like how if I make one excuse not to workout one day then then next day its even easier to make an excuse and the next until then I decide that I'll just start over on Monday..... there can be no excuse good enough.
Its because I whole heatedly believe what is said in chapter 2, that awful people don't really bother me. I know that they will get whats coming to them, so I just smile and walk away....
The rest of chapter 2 is pretty amazing. It says so much about what kept me from Christianity to begin with. Because I saw so many people who preached and preached the Bible but didn't practice it. Actually now that Ive read most of it, that number may have increased. But it also speaks of the people who do good even thought they may be spiritually uncircumcised. That, I felt was me. Yes, I did wrong at times, but I always felt that I was a good person and it bothered me that because I didn't ascribe to this label of "Christian" that I was somehow discredited for my good heart and works. I'm not talking about heaven or hell, I'm just talking about being a good person vs being a bad person.
I guess people who hate Jews don't read chapter 3 of this book?
Thursday, March 4, 2010
2 Cor. 10-13
Next bullet point on Paul's agenda is prayer. He talks of times he was in a pickle and prayed....and prayed.....and prayed until God answered him. Sometimes it may not be the answer we want at that time (reference: Garth Brooks song, Unanswered Prayers (see I can do it with country song too, my pop culture/biblical connections are FAR reaching and vast)) but it may be what we need and just don't know it yet.
And finally, Paul warns them that they cannot continue to do what they know is wrong and then continue to ask forgiveness over and over a gain. They seem to be doing good whilst Paul is there watching but as soon as he leaves they appear to go back to doing whatever they feel like.
AHH what a connection I feel with Paul. My students do this every single day. As long as I am staring at them, they do right. The minute I literally turn my head all hell breaks loose. Its crazy. I tell them at least once a day "Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking"......the rest of that quote being- "There are too many people who think that the only thing that's right is to get by, and the only thing that's wrong is to get caught." --J.C. Watts
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
2 Cor. 5-9

I say we all move to Corinth....
There was more talk about our earthy house vs our spiritual house. I thought a lot about what Jamie said yesterday about gaining knowledge as we get older and how that goes against all that happens to our bodies, or our earthly homes......and its just so true. It made me also think of this African proverb "every time an old man dies its as if a library has burnt down." I read that so long ago and it has always stuck with me.
It also talked about not hanging with the non believers. I understand what this is saying, but I think maybe it can be taken too far also. What woulda happened had Jamie not stuck it out with me for over a year. Like I told him the other day, had we not been such close friends and had I not trusted and respected him him so much (both of which were cultivated through friendship, which takes time) I never would have listened and agreed to do this. I realize that its not the same for everyone, but I think in befriending non believers and building that relationship of trust and respect, you have a better shot at having them listen and accept what you have to say.
Again, that's just my situation and maybe it worked because Jamie's so strong in his beliefs. I can understand where this warning is coming from I just can also see where it could be used for bad.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
2 Cor. 1-4
Nope, you are just listening to the higher power within yourself.
".....since we consider and look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen; for the things that are visible are temporal, but the things that are invisible are deathless and everlasting."
These two things are absolutely the exact two things I needed hear today. And what's strange is that I had a harder time reading this morning than I probably ever had. I get up every morning at 5:30 to read and blog. This morning I got up but didn't start to even read until 6 because I was doing something else, then when I did start I stopped twice and put it down. I told myself I would just do it later. I have never not read and blogged if I had gotten up on time (not over slept). It was just a strange morning.....
Finally though I decided it was silly to be up and not get it done...and ta dah it had these two things in it that had been weighing on about that?!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Cor. 15-16
This is the kind of circular logic that Jamie and I often find ourselves discussing. If you believe this to be true then you can't believe that to be true......that sort of thing.
I LOVE 15:38-44. Here he explains that just as we have an earthy body we also have a spiritual body. No one who has ever had a great idea or created a piece of art, or laughed at something funny, cried while listening to a song or loved anything at all......can argue that this is untrue. Having a physical body doesn't begin to explain how or why these things happen. This is something else that we were just talking about a few days ago.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
1 Cor. 12-14
Although here he is talking specifically about spiritual gifts given the people of the church, I think it applies even to peoples chosen careers. I can't count the number of times I've heard "oh I could never be a teacher".. this is more often than not said with a sort of pity in their manner? I always think, well its a good thing some of us can.
I'm thankful there are people who choose to be nurses or doctors, because that's something I could never do.
We should just all be thankful that there are so many types of people in the world, each with something different to offer.
Then Paul tells them about the best and highest gift of all which is love.......and then we get probably the most popular wedding reading of all time
This is one of my favorites because I often get picked on for doing it....Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, s ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything without weakening. never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end]. This is a good lesson for young people who think they are so in love, and get their heart broken. If its real love, it will last..... and last.... and last.
And then a whole bunch about speaking in tongues.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Cor. 9-11
And then we have a bunchny bunch (not the funky bunch) about woman and their place in life and how we shall all have long hair and cover our heads in prayer. In Gone With the Wind when the O'Hara family says their evening prayers the girls all put little square cloths on their heads and I never knew why....till this very day.
Also the speech given before communion: "take this is remembrance of me.." I find it interesting that he says to not take communion if you are feeling that maybe you aren't worthy and that every time I've ever been to a church that offers communion everyone always takes it. Are we all really so perfect all the time, really?
I bet if the Amish offered communion, NO ONE would rise up to take it. Then they would all do the whole. "we're not worthy.....we're not worthy...." thing.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Cor. 5-8
BUTTT he says if you have desires of the flesh then you need to marry ASAP! Reading this made me feel less like a wife and more like some kind of tool for my husband to use and vice versa. Funny how it started this way and we, in later generations, brought love into the mix. I'm sure these people grew to love each other, but in most cases I don't imagine it started out that way.
Actually I saw a story not long ago about modern day arranged marriages, mostly people from India, who lived in America. These marriages actually have a higher success rate than traditional marriages. Not simply in terms of divorce but also happiness. I think its because we get too wrapped up in the romantic ideas that our society forces down our throats and when marriage doesn't look like what the movies tell us its suppose to look like then we give up.
I may have digressed.....
Thursday, February 25, 2010
1 Cor. 1-4
Paul reminds them that they are all serving Jesus, not their ministers. Let us not confuse the two. The preachers (including Paul) are there to plant and water the seed only. God makes it grow.
They are warned of becoming boastful and reminded about remaining humble.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Acts 18:19-19:41
I thought the story about the idol makers to be interesting because it shows a practical reason as to why people were against Christianity. These people weren't worried about their souls as much as they were their wallets. The spreading of Christianity was putting a serious dent in the bank account of the folks who made all the idols that one must have in ones home prior to Jesus.
Just like today, if money is brought into the mix, things can get spicy. They have a huge meeting at the Temple of Artemis and chant for 2hrs. But like most huge crowds of angry shouting people, not everyone even knew what they were shouting about.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
2 Thes
It worked.
Paul says many more good and useful things in the last chapter.... namely, mind your own business and take care of yourself.
Monday, February 22, 2010
1 Thessalonians.
Paul wrote this letter to the Thessalonians as they are a new church and perhaps Paul thought they needed a pep talk. He reviews with them some of the finer points of being a Christian.
I love 4:9-12
He also goes over the whole death, Resurrection thing as these people were worried that their dead loved ones wouldn't get to go with Jesus when he came again. They will actually go first, says Paul.
Super love all of Chapter 5....tis all really fantastic stuff
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Acts 17-18:18
Paul and Silas are preaching about Jesus to the Jews in Thessalonica much to the displeasure of the towns riff raff. They manage to convert some and they move on to the next city. BUT the ruffians and rascals, when they find out that the fellas are preaching in a nearby city, seek them out there as well........rascals
The rest is just an account of more of Paul's preaching in different cities. God came to him in a vision at one point and told him to not keep quiet, the He will be with him and that all will be ok.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Gal. 4-6
Friday, February 19, 2010
Galations 1-3
He tells them that the Law that they followed for so long as Jews was set to prepare them for the coming of the faith of Jesus, like a trainer. Now that Jesus has come, they can ditch the trainer and live through His faith. Basically....stop all that hand washing! You were so clean when He came that you were prepared to accept Him, now its all of the dirty off dirty plates.....its a mealtime free for all!!!!
I just wonder what they did with all that spare time? I bet the older people still did all that, you know how they can be.
Also it says that the lines are gone that separate the rich from the poor, male from female, master from slave...everyone can live by the faith of Christ, no matter your station in life.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Acts 15-16

Paul and his crew are meeting with people and explaining the ins and outs of Christianity. I imagine it to be a lot of "what about this......? and what about that........? is strangling my dinner ok? washing it down with a nice big goblet of warm, lumpy blood alright? is fornicating with the woman that my golden calf tells me to, in the totally fine column?......"
So MANY questions.
and that would be a no, no, and a no no....not ok.
We meet Lydia, a woman who specializes in fabrics dyed purple. Oddly specific but interesting nevertheless.
Alright Jamie the scene in which the girl keeps following the guys around screaming about the Lord, finally get on Paul's nerves had to AT LEAST give you a little chuckle. The fact that she was indeed saying something good about them, "These mean are the servants of The Most High God! They announce to you the way of salvation" and yet, she still annoyed the "you know what" out of them.....speaks volumes to me.
Book of James

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Acts 13-14
They then head to Perga and begin to preach in the Jewish synagogues. Most people like what they hear and return the following week to hear them speak again. Eventually however they are run out of town by some big wigs.
They are now at Iconium and the people there are divided. Some are pro Barnabas and Paul.....some are anti Barnabus and Paul. They hear of a plan to be molested and stoned and nothing good can come from that so they leave.
Next stop Lystra, where things seem to go from bad to worse. Here they heal a crippled man and instead of everyone praising God and becoming Christians, they think the duo to be Zeus and Hermes (saw his parade Friday night). This is not good, as the people thinking them Greek gods come to earth in human form, bring them all sorts of gifts. The two look at each other and say something along the lines of "I think we mighta made a huge mistake"
They try to straighten it out but Paul ends up getting stoned to what the townsfolk believe to be death and dragged out of town. However Paul is not dead and gets up and continues preaching with his pal.
Acts 11-12
But Peter explains....
Herod is afflicting and oppressing and tormenting some people who belong to the church. He kills James with a sword, and seeing that he got a rousing applause he decides to arrest Peter as well.
But who should come and break him out of jail but the Angel of the Lord, master Locksmith. He gets Peter out of his chains and out from betwixt two guards.
Peter goes to his people and thoroughly freaks them out.....Herod has the guards killed and puts on royal robes and speaks to the people. God strikes him down and worms eat him.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Acts 9-10
Saul freaks out, Jesus takes his sight and sends him into the nearest town where he has another man restore his sight in His name.
Saul is a convert.
Peter performs a few healings and more converts are added.
Im not feeling it this evening so I'll just let Jamie take it from here....
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Acts 7-8
Ok I'm now back......We start off with StePHan and his review lesson. He manages to pack in all the highlights in just one chapter. I happen to find this very very impressive. And for all of his hard work, he gets stoned to death at the finish.
Then we spend a little time with Philip and an Ethiopian eunuch. The E E is attempting to read the book of Isaiah even though he can not apparently speak the language. Philip is drawn over to the carriage in which the EE is sitting and asks him if he can understand what he is reading. The EE responds by saying "How is it possible for me to do so unless someone explains it to me and guides me in the right way"
Indeed, my friend......indeed.
So Phil rides with him and explains it along the way. After hearing the explanation the EE decides hes ready to be baptizes in a pool o water they happen upon. Phil says that if he trusts and believes that Jesus is the son of God and giving to him all of his obedience then he is indeed ready.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Acts 4-6
The disciples are in all sorts of trouble but manage to come out on top a gain and a gain....
They are locked up and then let out by an angel, was it the same one who let Jamie's dog out? Is there one angel who is in charge of cages? That would be an awesome angel job I think.
Stephen.....I shan't say any more.
I like "but they they were not able to resist the intelligence and the wisdom and the inspiration of the spirit with which and by Whom he spoke."
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Acts 1-3
As they are all together discussing their next move a fire comes and causes each one to speak in a different language about Jesus, God and heaven. People from all over are able to hear about Jesus in their own language and are very excited about it. Absolutely reminds me of the Santa in A Miracle on 34th St.
Because they are able to hear all the good news in their own tongue, many people become followers.
"and they steadfastly persevered, devoting themselves constantly to the instruction and fellowship of the apostles, to the breaking of bread [including the Lord's Supper] and prayers."
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Luke 24 and John 20-21
He then appears again to his disciples as these two are telling the story of the strange fella on the road. They are also having dinner and He asks for food. The only thing I can think is that Resurrection takes a lot out of a guy. They give him some broiled fish. As hes eating it, he basically says, "I told you so" hopefully without a mouth full of fish.
We get, in John 20 an account of Jesus appearing to Mary Magdalene and again to the disciples, including Thomas....called the twin....? Presumably because he has a twin? Butt who is this twin?
Love this:
"I am going fishing!" says Simon Peter in a voice a bit to loud and with his hands placed firmly on his hips..
The rest of the disciples answer this call in unison also with hands placed on hips, chins up and feet spread hip width apart....."And we are coming with you!"
If I were a director thats how that scene would play out.....
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Matt. 28 and Mark 16
So be it.....
Monday, February 8, 2010
john 18-19
This is actually worse though because he knew it wasn't the right thing to do.
A fine example of the Ultimate peer pressure.
A little side note here, I'm not sure if everyone heard but....the SAINTS won the Superbowl!?
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Luke 23
Also interesting is how the crowd turns against him when the chance to free him is available to them. Is this a case of tearing down what we build up? A case of not wanting to speak up for what you believe, finding it easier to be still and shut up? or just prophecy being fulfilled?
Saturday, February 6, 2010
mark 15 matt 27
Pilate gave the people a choice, free the prisoner Barabbas or Jesus.
They then took Jesus and ridicule and beat him, spit on him and laughed at him. You know for me, and probably for most people...being laughed at, and ridiculed in a public forum is far worse than physical pain. So its harder for me to read that than the whipping and beating.
Then the deed is done, an now we wait....
Friday, February 5, 2010
"I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, that you shall weep and grieve but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but you sorrow will be turned into joy."
What's worse than seeing something you love come to an end!? Its very much how I feel about this blog. I am so sorrowful and grieved by its ending, that I tear up on a regular basis thinking about it. However, there can be no now beginnings without endings. And in seeing it end I know that something even better is waiting to step in and fill that void.
Even though we separated this reading and today we are concentrating on these last two chapter, still there is so much. Every single verse is heavy and weighted down with meanings, ideas and thoughts.
I think, I will stop and let Jamie take it from here....I will add to his if need be.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
There is a bunch to take in today. I may actually have to come back to it later and add more as it all sinks in.
Its Jesus last talk with his peeps and he has much to say.
Some are still asking to see God. Jesus responds to them "have I been with all of you for so long a time, and do you not recognize and know Me yet."
"Believe Me that I am the Father and the Father in me; or else believe me for the sake is the works themselves."
He is asked why shall He reveal himself to them and not to the world.
He responds by saying that He will make himself known to those who want to see Him and want to know Him.
Jesus also says that he shall now call his peeps "friends" and no longer servants, and commands that they love one another.
He then totally steals my childbirth analogy! But it is a perfect comparison I must say, so I will allow it.
I have run out of friend may say the rest of what I have, butt If not I shall return.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Luke 22 John 13
And then I also wonder if there was a crazy awkward silence whence He announced His betrayer to be at the very table in which He is to have His last meal.
I find John 13:8-17 very interesting and telling. At its core, I guess its the golden rule, but I see more to it as well. Its sorta like the idea of "pay it forward". If we all just did a little to help someone else and they in turn did a little to help someone and so on and so on.... BUTT if it stops, then its all lost. AND what if it stops always on the same people. Hmmmmmmm
Here's an interesting, albeit very shallow example of this...last week when I was having a particularly frustrating day at work (I actually had to walk out on my class to take a mental health moment), I walked down to the lounge like Charlie Brown, with my head hung low. And just as I was about to walk into the lounge I looked up and a student teacher was walking towards me and just out of the blue, with not an ounce of joy in my voice I said "those are really pretty boots" (I said it was shallow) I meant it, just couldn't muster up the strength to say it gleefully. Her face lit up and she said "thank you!". You may have to be a woman to get this, but it mattered to her.
Anyway in the next minute another teacher walked in the lounge and said to me outta the blue also "you are really looking good these days". When you work so hard to get to the gym everyday, this means A LOT. Even when it happened I thought it strange that I had just given the student teacher a compliment, and then received one.
I'm in no way, shape, or form saying that this was a life changing moment. What I am saying is sometimes its just the little things we need help with. Just a kind word, or a shared laugh, or a sounding board....the everyday stuff.
I think I digress...?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Matt. 26 and Mark 14
The Last supper. Its the first night of Passover and all 12 are around the table. Jesus tell them that one shall betray him tonight, no one believes it. They eat the bread that is his body and drink the wine that is his blood. He also tells Peter that he shall betray him 3 times before the rooster crows.
And then they go out and Jesus waits....He asks that they stay awake with him, but they don't. Jesus spends his time praying. To me he seems to be telling God that if maybe he's changed his mind about the whole "horrible death" thing, that would be alright.
"He begins to show grief and distress of mind and was deeply depressed..." We are shown many many times how Divine He was and here we see exactly how human He was also, and I find comfort in His foreboding. I see it this way....its like childbirth in that you know its going to be the most awful, terrible pain ever (well, for those of us who do it naturally that is) but you know you have to do it (even though I can remember screaming and crying "i don't wannna do this!!") and in the end you get the most wonderful gift in the whole wide world.
They come, we have the kiss by Judas, the denial by Peter and the trial.
Monday, February 1, 2010
In the first virgins are sent waiting for the bridegroom to arrive at the wedding banquet. Some of the gals brought extra oil for their lamps and some didn't. When he arrives the girls are sent out to meet them. The girls who had enough oil, they had lamps that burned bright.....the bridegroom met them and escorted them into the banquet. The girls who did not bring enough oil.....their lights had burned out, and he didn't see or recognize them.
Always keep your light burning bright.
I shan't rehash the second. I shall only say.....Don't bury your goodness, don't hide yourself. That is to say "if your light's under a bushel...its lost something sorta crucial"
And thennnnn the separation of the sheep and the goats. I really love this one.
He address the "sheep" at his right hand first....
When I was hungry, you gave me food, when thirsty I received water, clothes, shelter.......therefore you shall inherit the kingdom
They say to him "we never saw you need for any of these things?!"
AH! says He, When you do it for the least of these, you do it for me.
Next: the goats which are sitting at his left hand.......
Never once gave Me food when I was hungry, water for my thirst, clothes, shelter....... therefore you shall not get into the heavenly party.
"we never saw you needing food, water, clothes, or shelter....... we would have surely given you whatever you needed"
AH! say He.... for as you failed to do it for the least of these, so you failed to do it for me.
This is a very timely reading as far as Haiti is concerned. I read a post on my facebook wall that some looney wrote (my uncle) that said basically that we have all the problems of poverty and homelessness in America, yet when this happened in Haiti we reached into our pockets and gave and gave and gave.
I'm not going to go into what I deal with everyday as far as poverty goes, because Jamie knows. But the poverty here that I see (and I see it, everyday) is not because these people CAN'T, it's because these people WON'T.
The people in Haiti right now simply CAN'T.
We can't give ENOUGH to get some of these people in America out of poverty. I better stop before this turns into a rant.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Mark 13
Friday, January 29, 2010
Matt. 23 and Luke 20-21
Luke 21 goes even deeper into the grim side of reality. People will hate you for your beliefs, He says. People close to you will turn their backs on you.....and even betray you for listening to Me.
Jamie and I have talked this point into the ground. I could write pages and pages about our discussions on this one subject. Bottom line is, in my personal everyday life as a Southerner, its hard for me to imagine that someone would hate you for being a Christian. Quite the opposite down here.....but I see it happening on tv, in the news, and all around the world.
And of course it happens the other way around, with people being killed in countless wars in Christ's name....but two wrongs do not a right make.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Matt. 22 and Mark 12
Heaven, says He, is like a wedding feast (I like it so far, unless its one of those odd dry weddings?) in which a king throws for his son.
He sends servants out to gather all the people who have been invited. But no one seems to want to listen. They go on back to work, some even kill the servants!
The king gets angry and burns down cities and such.
He then tells the servants to just go and invite any and everyone. They do this and a myriad of people show up. One fella is not dresssed appropriately so he his thrown out...... into the darkness.
So, does this mean if we don't look the right way, we will be thrown out of the party in Heaven. No it doesnt, silly. It means that just because your invited to the party doesn't mean you don't have to prepare. I was invited to a Mardi Gras Ball, just by chance, direct connection, I wasn't on the orginal list. Someone had extra tickets. However, this gives me no excuse to come dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt. I must wear a floor lenght gown and my husband a tux, regardless .....or we are not let in.
We must prepare.
Someone asks for a Cliff"s notes version of the commandments. He says most importantly "You must love the Lord, your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul and with all of your mind." numero uno.
Second "You shall love your neightbor as you do yourselves"
If you think about it, these two really do sum it all up.... and the rest fall into place.
Also interesting is, the whole pay Caesar what is due Caesar and God what is due God. What we must remember is that this was a question meant to trick Jesus. If he were to say "Yes we are to pay Caesar", then might that cause some followers to doubt him? If he says no, then we all know what will happen.
And so he gives the line about give Caesar what is due Caesar, though not really telling anyone what IS actually due Caesar. Perhaps nothing is due to Caesar..... Sly move Jesus.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Mark 11 John 12
A bit of useless information here and sorta off subject but I found it interesting. Playing Christ in this movie and in the original play is Ted Neely. I've seen the play twice, once about 14 years ago and once 3 years ago both staring as Christ.....Ted Neely.
I met him after the second play and he signed the original movie poster I found (in the trash) with his likeness on it. Now, the movie came out in 1973. So to see Christ played by a man in his 50s is rather odd, butt he pulls it off. What was interesting to me was, that I think some people actually think he is Christ, or on a first name basis with him, at least. These old ladies were waiting around after the play with me and when he came out they spoke and prayed with him. He prayed with many, many people. And refused to leave the lobby, much to the chagrin of his cast and crew until he spoke with every single person waiting. It was a very surreal-ly sorta thing.
He, btw, was most excited to see his young face on my poster, and was even more excited that I found it in the trash. He wrote "To Crystal, Thank you for your dedication" Ted Neely (after all these years)" and on Zoe's playbill he wrote "To Zoe, a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl"
I know I'm SUCH a theater nerd!
John 12 is pret-ty heavy, man. We begin with Mary using the expensive ointment on Jesus when, as Judas says, it can be sold and the money given to the poor. But why does he want that to happen? Does he love the poor sooooo much? No, he loves money sooooo muc. So says the reading.
Jesus explains again that he shall die.... and they are again confused. He says to them that in a grain of wheat falling to the ground and dying it enriches the harvest. Spiritual Composting!
"If anyone hears my My teaching and fails to observe them, it is not I who judges them. For I have not come to judge, and to condemn and to pass sentence and to inflict penalty on the world, but to save the world"
I know there's the fine line there between pointing out if someone is doing wrong and judging, but it says so many times that He did not come here to judge, that's left to Someone else. And I do also realize that here He is speaking of non-Christians. I guess I just feel like, bottom line is, you can share with people what you believe and if they accept it, that's great and if they don't then that's their business. Life, I know, is never quite as simple as that....but it would be great if it were.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Luke 18:15-19:48
In 19, we have ourselves a parable. A noble man goes to find some land in which to be king. When he leaves he gives a few servants a little money to do a little somthin somthing with whilst he is gone.
When he returns......
behind door number one, the servant has turned his ten into twenty!
You shall be in charge of 10 cities.
behind door number two, the servant has turned his ten into fifteen!
You shall be in charge of 5 cities.
behind door numero tres, the servant has mealy sat on the money. He was afraid of his master.
The master is like "really?!, if you were afraid of me then why didn't you at least put the money in the bank so that it could earn a bit of interest? Take this man's 10 away and give it to that other guy!"
The people said "but that guy already has ten?"
"to those who get and who have, much will be given, but to those who do not get and do not have, much will be taken away"
Now at first, I must admit, I didn't think much of this parable. Taking from those who don't have much? But I try and remember that parable, much like ogres (I would like to receive some sort of award, or trophy for being able to reference Shriek in a blog about the Bible. I feel like maybe there should even be some prize money involved? If anyone knows who I contact about this, I would appreciate it) are like onions. You have to take time to peel away the layers.
I peeled and this is what I came up with. If you take your talents and make good with them, you receive much. Here of course I don't mean simply artistic talents, but whatever you have inside of you that can help people, or can make one person feel good about themselves, or can ease someones pain for a minute, or make someone laugh who is down....
these are things we ALL have inside of us.
You use these and you get much in return, which everyone knows to be true.
BUT if you just sit on these things and never give anything, not a smile, not a nice word, not a helping hand.....then poo poo on you!
Its the whole energy suckers again. If you are convinced that bad things always happen to you and you are afraid of life...then guess what.....bad things will always happen to you and life will continue to give you reasons to be afraid.
When you boil that onion down, you get this....those who give, receive.
Those who give nothing, get nothing and even worse, they get the little they have taken away. I visualize it this way.....there's a little candle inside (yes, thank you thank you...the light of the world thing.....i know) and we all know from Backdraft that fire needs air. If you never give your candle any air, not only will it flicker, it will eventually go out.
Matt 20-21
The workers who are hired last get the same wages as the workers who are hired first, which the firsties don't think is so dandy. However, tis what they agreed to.
Here's what else this parable made me think of.....Prisoners on death row who, at that eleventh hour, repent and ask for forgiveness. They receive the exact same treatment as the monk who has dedicated his life to Christ. The only peace I find with it, is that God will know their heart, and will know if its a true repentance or one just out of desperation.
Again we read about the disciples vying for the sweet spot next to Jesus in heaven and Him denying them that place, as it is not for Him, He says, to decide.
And more blind men, given sight. I like to think that this is a way of Him telling us, to not follow blindly. Have faith, yes, but not blind faith. Understand what you are agreeing too, so that you will better know where you are going and can see the road that will lead you there. If you follow blindly, it may be easier for someone to cause you to stumble, as you are always relying on someones else to show you the way. You may even take a wrong turn at Albuquerque.
And then the scene in the Temple, a very dramatic scene in Jesus Christ Superstar, where Ted Neely, playing Christ, hits some super high notes. I love this story, because I feel like maybe some churches have become a den of robbers.
We have the tree not bearing fruit, forced to wither up.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Matt. 19 and Mark 10
Jesus then runs through the commandments, and talks about how hard it is to get into heaven if you're a rich man. Not because you have wealth singularly, but because many people get corrupted by money and greed. Your heart lies with your treasure.
He talks of his death and Resurrection also.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Luke 17:11- 18: 14
He recalls Noah as well as Lot (and his salty wife).
There's another parable about the dangers of fancying yourself upright, in other words..."Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled and everyone who humbles himself will be exalted"
(and remember every square is a rectangle but every rectangle is not a square)
Friday, January 22, 2010
John 11
I've been just really down this week. I've had a couple of things happen that I've had to deal with, but that's not really the reason. I don't know that there is a reason, just every once in a while I get into a funk for a few days (and, no it not related to my special friend that's a whole different more angry, down) and then I get out of it and I'm fine. Just been one of those.
I was up all night and finally fell asleep about 20 minutes before I was to wake up........thus causing me to snooze it out.
ALMOST had myself talked into sleeping through Bible Blog time........
I decide to get up with just enough time to read and perhaps blog and I read this.......
...."He said these things, and then added, Our friend Lazarus is at rest and is sleeping; but I am going there that I may awaken him out of his sleep."
"The disciples answered, Lord if he is sleeping he will recover."
"However, Jesus had spoken of his death, but they thought that he referred to falling into a refreshing and natural sleep."
"So then Jesus told them plainly, Lazarus is dead."
I laughed and laughed and laughed, a tear inducing, uncontrollable, feel it all over laughter. I feel so much better, twas what I needed.
I don't care who you are THAT exchange is funny. I can see the whole thing playing out in my mind like a movie and I'm just saying that I'm pretty sure Jesus rolled his eyes just a little when delivering that last line.....
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Luke 16-17:10
We have more talk about money, riches, and stuff. Basically saying what we said the other day. Your heart lies with you treasure....
No man can serve two masters. If you are a slave to money, your job and your stuff then there your heart lies.
God knows your heart.
We have the story of Lazarus, who was poor and lowly, going to Heaven; whilst his master goes to Hades. Did it work out that way simply because one was rich and one was poor? Of course not. Tis all about the heart.
And we finish up with a refresher on forgiveness. If your bro sins, tell him he is sinning and then forgive him. Even him he does it 7 times a day, and asks for forgiveness 7 times a day...
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Luke 14-15
In 14 Jesus talks again about being humble and helping those less fortunate. I like the example he gives about giving the dinner party for people who couldn't possibly pay it back as opposed to those who could.
I do love a dinner party, I don't care who you invite!
I kinda feel this is similar to giving anonymously to charity or helping someone without having to shout about from the rooftops... If you are only doing it so that you may receive praise from your peeps, then is for real? We read mention of this earlier when Jesus talked about don't let one hand know what the other is doing.....ON THE FLIP SIDE.... some may say that any help, no matter what the motive, is good......
Next we have the story a gain of the two brothers (sorta has a 3 little pigs vibe to it). One bro is the good hard worker, the other the partier. When the partier loses it all, he glues himself to another'm just thinking that that can't be good for anybody....
By and bye he repents and returns home and his dad is all in love with him for once being lost and now being found. Whist the whole time the other son was doing exactly as he was suppose to be doing.
How many times has this been played out in the movies?
I looked up the Prodigal Son theme, just for some examples. A couple I had thought of, like Legends of the Fall and Wizard of Oz. Some others I hadn't, like Good Will Hunting (one of my all time favs, because of course its about a super hot nerd. We all know how much I LOVE a super hot nerd) Boogie Nights, and Overboard, which I found interesting?
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Luke 12-13
Man oh man I can see where people could take the lessons about possessions and dress in Luke 12 to the extreme in both directions. Taken as it is written, I totally agree and see the beauty in it however.
Today's reading if FULL of goodness! We get the Spiderman line, "for everyone to whom much is given, of him shall much be required". Poor Peter Parker shall learn these words to be oh so true.
There really is just so much in these two Chapters. None of it is new stuff, but really good, nevertheless. He talks of hypocrisy, of blasphemy, of faith...
12:2-3 This I hope, more than anything to be true, as I have the horrible privilege of dealing with some very bad people who mistreat children. The only comfort I find, is that someone is watching, and they will have to answer for their actions at some point.
12:34 "for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" this is so true in regards to possessions, material things....stuff. If you find your greatest joy to be your stuff, that cannot be good. This coming from a person who does enjoy stuff. It is, however, not my treasure.....far from it.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Luke 10-11 John 10:22-42
The disciples are giving more marching orders and I must say all I can picture is young men in white shirts riding bicycles. I wonder if the villagers who saw them coming went to the back of their houses and hid also.
I do like that they wish peace on the houses they enter. I wonder if this is where the "peace be with you.....and also with you" part of the Episcopal and Catholic service derives from.
He speaks to the disciples when they have returned, with one asking the question "what am I to do to inherit everlasting life?" Jesus asks him to explain what he sees written in the Law.
You must love God with all of your heart, soul, strength and mind and love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus says...exactamundo!
I'm afraid I don't see the later part of that request being followed quite as closely as the first. Where are all the good Samaritians? I don't mean in regards to money, because money is easy to throw at a persons problem and it often times makes it worse. I mean compassion and empathy in place of disdain and disgust.
Lords Prayer a gain.
More retelling.
"There's a darkness upon me that's flooded in light. And the fine print that tells me what's wrong and what's right, and comes in black and it comes in white and I'm frightened by those who don't see it."
Those are lyrics from an Avett Brothers song I love, Luke 11:34-36 reminded me of it.
Jesus is causing all sorts of trouble with the big wigs. Calling them out on the fact that they set themselves above everyone, for loving to be greeted and bowed down to in the marketplaces. Hmmm what does this bring thoughts of?
He also has yet another conversation about the washing of the dishes before eating, as they are appalled that he doesn't was the outside of his cup....
Isn't the maker of the outside also the maker of the inside? You wash the outside and yet the inside is rotten....says he.
Indeed...says I.
In John, we read of more doubt by the Jews. I must admit, I love doubt. I find doubt healthy, as long as you are not totally closed off to the possibility of the alternative.
I don't think this will come as a big shock to love of doubt. I just think I would have a MUCH harder time with it if Jesus were to have said "I am GOD" and everyone were to fall to their knees in acceptance.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
John 9:10-21
I like how it is said that "his eyes were opened" by Jesus.
I think vs 21 is also important in regards to baptism. The parents are being asked to explain how he can now see... They say "he is of age, ask him; let him speak for himself and give his own account of it."
I can understand both sides of this coin. People who believe as such want to be sure if anything happens to their baby, they will be safe to go to heaven. But I think it also important that a person understands what they are agreeing to, when making this promise.
I'm sure Jamie will have much to add to this discussion.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Matthew 18
Friday, January 15, 2010
Luke 9:28-62
That's so old testament...
Thursday, January 14, 2010
John 7-8
"Let he among us without sin, be the first to condemn..."
A woman who has bean accused of committing adultery is brought to Jesus. Under the law of Moses she is to be stoned, and the Pharisees are anxious to see what Jesus shall do with her.
He then delivers the line that will be used over and over in pop culture in various forms. The Pharisees were none too pleased with this..Jesus tells them that they have set themselves up to judge according to what they see, by external human standards.
Jesus says that He does not judge or condemn or sentence anyone, but if He were to judge, he has the Big Guy whispering in his ear. This makes two, and two witnesses is good in the book of Law.
Jesus again mentions that he shall be leaving soon, and this continues to vex people.
A heated discussion ensues in which Jesus tries to explain a gain who He is and what He is doing here....but, to no avail.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Matt 17 Mark9
The disciples are arguing about who is the best, which cracks me up to visualize. When Jesus asks what they are talking about, they are afraid to tell him, again I find this humorous.
Then Jesus has a little talk with his fellas.
If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off...your foot causes you to stumble, chop it off......if its your eye, pluck it.
It is better to go through life as a one handed, one footed, cyclops than to spend foeva in h-e double hockey sticks.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Matt 16 Mark 8 Luke 9:18-
Everyone wants a sign from Jesus and he's just done, with signs. I'm curious what more these people want. I realize that the Pharisees may have not seen with their own eyes the miracles he has performed, but surely they know someone who has.
The disciples are again showing little faith when they realize that they haven't any food to eat. Jesus again is like "really? Did I not feed like a gazillion people with 2 pieces of bread and a fish!? Seriously men! Have a little faith"
Then it gets crazy dramatic. He promises Peter, the keys to heaven (a wouldn't have imagined the pearly gates to be locked?). These couple of verses sets the stage for Catholicism, which I'm sure my dear friend will expand upon.
Jesus also explains that he will indeed die and rise.
He gets a visit from Moses and Elijah, which I must admit in my mind looks just like the last scene in Return of the Jedi when Vadar and Obi Won are standing behind Luke.(This is in Luke!! Hummmmm)
Monday, January 11, 2010
Matt 15, Mark 7
All I really wanted to say was I totally loved when peter asks Jesus to explain a totally self explanatory proverb and he basically says "really, peter?!"
the proverb was about how it isn't what goes into your mouth that matters, but what come out of it.
This was in reference to the ceremonial washing etc... The Phrases are all upset about Jesus' peeps not washing up before eating
I also adore how Jesus must explain to the Phrases the difference between eating with dirty hands and killing someone.
Jesus is such a cool cat.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Luke 9 1-17, John 6
Jesus tells them that he is not here to do his will, but to do the will of God.
Jesus is the bread that has come down from heaven, not the manna, he tells them. But the people are all like "but isn't this the son of Mary and Joe? How can he say he has come from heaven, when we know his parents?!"
I can see where that may be confusing.
Then Jesus says "don't talk about me like I'm not here"
....Oh wait....or was that Shelby from Steel Magnolias?
Either way he told them to shut it.
He goes on to tell everyone that only those that come to him of their own free will, shall have the bread. That is to say eternal life.
The forefathers ate the manna and died because that was not the actual bread from heaven. This seems like a very important message because he keeps saying it.
Some found this message hard to take and they withdrew.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Matt 14 Mark 6
When Jesus is told, he is very sad and goes to be alone, but not for long....the people come to be with him and Jesus feed them all with 5 loves of bread and 2 fish.
He goes off to be alone a gain and s he his coming back, he does the whole, walk on water thing. Peter asks Him to invite him out, and He does. As Peter is walking on the water also, he begins to feel a little uneasy. When he does, he begins to sink. AH ye of little faith says Jesus, as He is saving dear Peter from the water.
I like this metaphor. This, of course, isn't the first time we've seen it, but I really do like it. Its works on many levels I think.
Herod hears of Jesus and imagines him to be John risen from the dead. I think this speaks volumes about the kind of soul John was.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Matt 10
They are to take no money and they are to stay with the most worthy of the towns folk.
When it gets heated, they are to high tail it outta that town and into the next.
They are to remember that they are never greater than their teacher, as slave cannot rise above master.
Jesus says he has come NOT to bring peace to the world, but a sword. I dare say this is not what people think of when they think of Jesus.
He wants us to love Him more than our parents or our children. If not we are not worthy of Him.I think some folks may find this one hard to swallow. The horse pill of teachings....
Mark 4-5
So then Jesus meets a fella possessed by unclean spirits. Jesus orders them to leave the man. The spirits see a herd of hogs and beg that they me allowed to go into them. Jesus allows it, they take over the hogs and then proceed to throw themselves off a cliff and, yeah that's weird.
It freaked people out so much that they asked him politely to leave. The evil spirit guy begged to go with him. Jesus, in a brilliant PR move, had the guy stay so that he could tell everyone what God had done for him.
He healed a couple more people. After healing a little girl, he asked that no one should know this.
I'm wondering if this is because he wants people to have faith and not just believe because of miracles? Or because the maddness is getting out of hand?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Matthew 13 Luke 8
Jesus tells many parables about the kingdom of heaven. What I find so funny is when one of his disciples asked him point blank, why he speaks in parables. Don't exactly know why that cracks me up but it does.
Then what's great is the same guy asks him to explain the parable! Again, not sure why this makes me chuckle...?
So he explains about the angels coming down, throwing the bad guys into hell and taking the good guys to the pearly gates.
In Luke 8 we get the first mention of the mysterious Mary Magdalene.
I must say again, I really like Luke the best.
I love the way he tells the story of the seeds. I mean like, I really really love it. I must admit, it brought tears to my eyes. Admittedly, so do many commercials, nevertheless it's lovely to me.