Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Matt 8-9, Mark 2, John 5
Jesus and his band of merry followers set out in a boat. The seas were angry that day, my friend... But Jesus slept like a baby whilst his followers were tossed about like rag dolls. They finally woke Him and He calmed the seas so that everyone could rest. WHAT a guy to have around.
He does a ton more healing, meets Matthew and talks of old garments and wineskins.
I think Mark 2:23-28 is interesting and worth discussing.
John 5 is all very interesting.
I imagine it would have bean hard for these people to believe that they were standing before the Son of God. I've always wondered, what if someone today said they were The Messiah, what would we do? Would we believe faithfully, and if we questioned would that be wrong of us?
There have bean some, whom we all thought they're nuts. Which, of course, they were.
But what if?
What I'm trying to say is that I can see both sides. Now of course, Jesus was walking around healing people left and right sooooo, that may have bean a HUGE check in the "for" column.
I love John 5:39-44.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
John 2-4
Jesus at the Temple
Changing water into wine (my personal favorite)
Being born again.
The woman at the well.
And I do think the old testament was all about avoiding non-Jews, we rarely heard about people converting. Yes, there were a few instances but for the most part is was about them separating themselves from people who were not Jewish, wasn't it?
Anyhoo I am in love with Chapter 3:17-21
Monday, December 28, 2009
Matt. 4, Luke 4-5, and John 1:15-51
I knew the Jesus fish had something to do with being "fishers of men". I knew this because my brother once had it tattooed on his wrist. The Jesus fish with a verse about being fishers of men, that is. But I went looking for a better explanation of the ever popular Jesus fish (insert Seinfeld quote)
I found 2 that pleased me.
A. Most symbols that people use have a story behind them and are used to make a statement. Some of the most famous are the so-called Christian symbols such as the cross and the fish. Whilst they provide a useful mean of identification, all of these are carnal and nowadays used promiscuously by everybody, thus it is best for us to avoid using them. Moreover they all have a precedent story of paganism, a thing we Christian must avoid, even if some says the pagan origins have now been lost in history. The wearing or keeping such symbols has the tendency to bring veneration to them and thus returning to paganism. Besides, what saith the Word of God: God is a spirit, and the ones worshiping Him must worship in spirit and truth. (John 4:24)
Here are some tidbits concerning this ancient symbol:
When threatened by Romans in the first centuries after Christ, Christians used the fish mark meeting places and tombs, or to distinguish friends from foes. According to one ancient story, when a Christian met a stranger in the road, the Christian sometimes drew one arc of the simple fish outline in the dirt. If the stranger drew the other arc, both believers knew they were in good company.
Greeks, Romans, and many other pagans used the fish symbol before Christians. Hence the fish, unlike, say, the cross, attracted little suspicion, making it a perfect secret symbol for persecuted believers. So the early Christians made practical use of this symbol for practical convenience. It is somewhat similar to the use in our days of bumper-sticker and business-card practice to be recognised by strangers, although we are not yet under persecution.
As early as the first century, Christians made an acrostic from this word: Iesous Christos Theou Yios Soter, (ICTYS) i.e. Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior, using the Greek word for fish "ichthys." The Greek word Ichthus (Iota Chi Theta Upsilon Sigma), pronounced ich-thoos, upper case:
and lower case:
, is the word used throughout the New Testament for the English word fish.
The fish has plenty of other theological overtones as well, for Christ fed the 5,000 with 2 fishes and 5 loaves (a meal recapitulated in Christian love-feasts) and called his disciples "fishers of men." So that was an easy association: "fishers of men" and the acronym for the word fish in Greek, and thus the symbol resembling a fish.
B. The use of the Ichthys symbol by early Christians appears to date from the end of the 1st century AD. Ichthus (ΙΧΘΥΣ, Greek for fish) is an acronym, a word formed from the first letters of several words. It compiles to "Jesus Christ God's Son Saviour", in ancient Greek "Ἰησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ Υἱός, Σωτήρ"
* Iota is the first letter of Iesous (Ἰησοῦς), Greek for Jesus.
* Chi is the first letter of Christos (Χριστóς), Greek for "anointed".
* Theta is the first letter of Theou (Θεοῦ), that means "of God", genitive case of Θεóς "God".
* Upsilon is the first letter of Huios (Υἱός), Greek for Son.
* Sigma is the first letter of Soter (Σωτήρ), Greek for Saviour.
Historically, twentieth century use of the ichthys motif is an adaptation based on an Early Christian symbol which included a small cross for the eye or the Greek letters "ΙΧΘΥΣ". Catholic theology has elaborated on the five words of the acronym into the "Jesus prayer", or, "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."
And now to today's readings.... There's a lot in today's readings. Its jam packed with good stuff, and by jam I mean of coarse , strawberry. First Jesus is eating and drinking with sinners (tax collectors, including Matthew), when the big wig Pharisees see this they are appalled. Judaism we must remember is alllll about avoiding sinners at all costs. Jesus replies that, it is the sick that need help, not the healthy. AH HA. This is already looking a little a new garment or new wine, one might say......and by One I mean Jesus.
He shares a couple of parables with these people. Through these stories he basically says. "this is new, it's all new. Out with the old, you cant mix the old with the doesn't work. The new is where its at! oh, I know you like the old....who doesn't like the old? We find comfort in the old....but the old isn't really working. The old is familiar, the new is scary. The old is warm and comfortable, like a soft worn in sackcloth, the new is like a camel hair sheath which is terribly itchy."
Jesus also has a little run in with Satan.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Matt 3, Mark 1, Luke 3
Jesus gathers up a few fishermen and promises that if they leave their nets, they shall be fishers of men.
We also see Jesus cure a leper and a fever. He asks that the cured leper (not to be confused with cured ham) speak nothing of it, but he doesn't listen. Now Jesus has the leper poparazii to deal with.
There is also, at the end of Luke 3, a blood line from Jesus back to Adam.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
John 1:1-14, Matt 2, Luke 2:39-52
A. How did the 3 wise men, astologers this version calls them, become the 3 Kings? Nothing says anything about them being kings?
B. Did Jesus know who he was? (Don't ruin it for me if its something I will find out later)
Friday, December 25, 2009
Luke 1-2:38
His dad was Zachariah and his wife Elizabeth (my daughters middle name). They were old and had no children. An angel came and said that they would have a son, to be name John. He would "prepare ye the way of the Lord" (Godspell reference...there will probably be a lot of these in thy future btw. For the unlearned (which does not include Jamie, as he has bean schooled) Godspell is a musical based on the Gospel of Matthew. I realize this isn't Matthew, however the opening number "Prepare ye the way of the Lord" I believe is sung by the "John the Baptist" character. I also realize that this is WAY more musical theater trivia than any non theater go-er wants to know.) Did I digress?
I have a Christmas concussion, I am excused from making since.
John was to make ready for the Lord a people prepared in spirit, adjusted and disposed and placed, in the right moral state.
Because Zach questioned Gabe, the Angel he was made mute until the child was born.
Then the angel visited Mary and yadda yadda yadda....she was great with child.
John was born and Zach got his voice back.
The bar was set pretty high for John he was expected to:
go on before the face of the Lord to make ready His ways
Bring and give knowledge of salvation to His people in the forgiveness and remission of their sins
Shine upon and give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death
Direct and guide our feet in a straight line into the way of peace
That's one heck of a to do list, my friends.
AND THEN in chapter 2, The Prince of Peace makes His Earthly Appearance!
I love 2:19, I find some comfort in Mary keeping within herself all these things, weighing and pondering them in her heart.
And yes I do realize I find comfort in odd, unexplained places.
I just think it shows how human she was. Can you imagine, when looking down at your first born little tiny baby, knowing that he was destined for such things?
I just know that when my first was born it was as if the world suddenly came into focus. The first time I looked at her, I seemed to understand it all... everything.
I immediately understood things like curfew and calling when you arrive after a trip and needing to know where and when, and why and for how long. In a second I felt the unimaginable weight of a mothers love. And that was just my Zoe.
Mary had ALL of that, plus the worlds weight to bear....
That's why I love that passage.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I say to myself.
I just don't get how you can give yourself fully to something without knowing all you can about it. For that matter, anyone who has an opinion of any kind about Christianity. How can one say anything for or against it, if one is not educated on the subject?
To each his own, however...
On to Malachi (which, also shared with Jamie, conjures up images of freaky children in corn fields)...
Basically God is just saying "I haven't changed. What I thought bad in Moses day, I find bad now. What I expected then, I expect now..."
And I love the idea of being someones "jewel, or peculiar treasure", but especially a peculiar treasure!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Psalm 126
Then were our mouths filled with laughter, and our tongues with singing. Then they said among the nations, The Lord had done great things for them.
The Lord had done great things for us! We are glad!
Turn to freedom our captivity and restore our fortunes, O Lord, as the streams in the South (the Negeb) [are restored by the torrents].
They who sow in tears shall rep in joy and singing.
He who goes forth bearing seed and weeping [at needing his precious supply of grain for sowing] shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheves with him.
That was a good one to end with, I think.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Matthew 1
We begin with the blood line of Jesus.
...and end with an explanation as to why Joseph stays with his wife after she has become pregnant...
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Nehemiah 10-13
Do this...bad will continue to happen
Butt, do this.....and good will come to you.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Nehemiah six thru nine
B. I don't really have a B.
Sanballet was not a good guy, he and his pals were trying to sabotage the work that Nehe and co. were doing.
Nehemiah prevailed and the wall and gates were finished. Everyone gathered together and Ezra read from the Book of Moses and people wept. But the Levites said Be still......this is a great day, do not cry.
Love how Be is capitalized.
Then in Chapter 9 we get another review....
Friday, December 18, 2009
Lamentations 3:37-5:22
I do like 3:39 however
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Nehemiah 1-5
His mission: rebuild the walls.
Then we have a list of who did what in regards to the rebuilding of the walls and gate. (Poor Malchijah)
No one had much faith in the job that Nehe and his gang were doing. And when they heard that all was actually going well....well they didn't like that either
So they plotted to cause mischief.
Nehemiah finds out what they are planning and basically just handles it. He does the same thing when he finds out that the people are starving because their government is taxing the food out of their mouths.
He handles it.
Nehemiah is like the ultimate voice of reason. He sees a problem and deals.
You have to love that.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Ezra 7-10
Ezra, with protection from God takes a crew of folks and heads to Jerusalem.
When they get there is bad news awaiting. All the people who have bean living there have married whomever they pleased be it Canaanite, Hittite, Perizzite, Jubsite and any other ite they wanted. The seeds have a bean contaminated.
Not good folks, not good atall.
Ezra freaked out, to put it mildly. And in turn the men freaked out.they collectively decided in order to avoid the cup o' wrath, they would exile all the wives and children of mixed birth.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Esther 4-10
Mortie and his fellow Jews are weeping and wailing in the streets, clothed in sack cloths and ashes.
The queen hears this and send him clothes which he refuses.
Esther wants to know what's up and orders her man to get the skinny. He does and she agrees to speak to the king about perchance NOT killing all her people.
She has a dinner and by and the very last minute the whole scam was discovered! And Haman, the very man who orchestrated the hanging, was hung on the very gallows he had built!
It gets even better. Mortie is made top dog and the Jews are given major authority. On the very day they were to be massacred they are given an edict that gave them power over their enemies.
I know!? Right?!
The Jews did some smoting and some smiting to all who hated them, and then they made it a holiday of thanksgiving.
The end.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Esther 1-3
Right away I know this is my type of book. The opening scene is a grand party. Beautifully decorated, fine stem ware, a seven day feast, and eunuches...
But it goes down hill fast. The queen is ordered to come before the king so that he may show off her beauty. She, however, doest not come.
How dare she!?
This doest not sit well with thy king, soon woman will be doing whatever they please.
So he orders a divorce and a decree saying that every man shall rule his own house (king of the castle, lord of the manor).
The kings toadies suggest that he get himself a hot young trophy virgin for a wife instead.
Good idea, thought the king and he orders that the hottest young virgins be rounded up and he would choose one.
So they were. They wouldn't see the king however, for 12 months because they had to be purified and it took THAT long.
Crazy eh!?
6 months with oil of myrrh and 6 months with sweet spices and perfumes. And then they were ready, among them was Esther.
As one might guess, Esther being the name of the book and all, she was his pick.
Esther was raised by Mordecai some relative of hers. Mordecai manages to anger the wrong people. These people decide that since Mordecai is a Jew that instead of just killing him, how's about they kill all the Jews. So they speak with the king and convince him that the Jews are a bad lot. He orders that every single Jew, be them man, woman or child be killed.
Here's the twist....although we haven't gotten to it yet, I bet is darling Esther is Jewish because she was raised by Mordecai. No one knows that however.
See were this is going people!?
Can't wait to read tomorrow!
Zeck 8-14
God is coming home to Jerusalem. and gladness and cheerful appointed seasons;therefore love truth and peace.
9:7, great image
Love the imagery of 9:13
I love how grain will make the young men thrive and fresh wine the maidens. The maidens finally get the better deal.
I like the bit about the false prophets in 13. I don't like false prophets.
I guess everyone mended their ways in Jerusalem because God seems to really be a fan.
He's sending a terrible plague to the enemies of Jerusalem, humans and beasts alike.
He will protect anyone and everyone who comes to worship.
Everything really seems to be turning around.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Zech 1-7
Not completely following whats going on, butt I do know Satan makes an appearance and we haven't really heard directly from him since Job.
Zech keeps seeing visions and when he asks his host angel what they are, he always asks "do you not know what these are?" and Zech says "no I don't". He then explains what they are. The smart wild ass in me wants him to say "if I knew what they were, why in the Sam Hill would I have asked!".
A flying scroll and women in jars.....this book may be stranger than Ezekiel.
They are still trying to get the temple built and God is threatening to scatter the peeps into the wind.
Very hard story to follow, thus far...
Friday, December 11, 2009
God sends this word through Haggai (pronounced hagis, in my head). He's like, "do you people notice how crappy your lives have become? I mean, yes you have enough to keep you alive, but you're never satisfied! See the connection?, build me my dream home!!"
Of course what this all means is He wants to be put first in peoples lives. Don't enjoy that fine paneled house until He has His.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Ezra 1-3
Cyrus the king of Persia is building a new temple in Jerusalem. He's gathered all the stuff that was taken and is ready to work.
Then we have a homecoming and a census all rolled into one. These people bring in all the old school Moses stuff, so that seems like a positive. Then as they are laying the foundation for the new temple all the young people were shouting with joy and excitement. The old folks who had seem Solomon's temple wept. The weeping and the shouting got all mixed up and was apparently heard far of.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Daniel 10-12
Monday, December 7, 2009
Daniel 7-9
Daniel dreams about the downfall of the Roman empire and the coming of Christ. He speaks to God about ALLL the wrongs the people have done. I find this talk with God to be different than other prophets talks with the big guy. Daniel says "we have sinned, we have done wickedly....". It seems like the other guys all spoke TO the people with words like "YOU have sinned, YOU have done wickedly..." I could be wrong, butt it just strikes me as different.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Daniel 4-6
Can anyone say "buzz kill".
He called in the usual suspects and asked them to interpret the writing. Butt the couldn't.
But guess who could?
Nope, he's dead.
Daniel does this sorta work too, remember.
Daniel comes in and the kings says " but I have heard of you, that you can make interpretations and solve knotty problems"
Knotty problems?
And if you can solve this here knotty problem, I'll give you a purple dress and some bling. Daniel does his job and is rewarded. The king is slain in the night and on old fella named Darius takes over.
Nd now on to the lions...
The new kind made a degree that basically, for all intents and purposes said that no one may pray for 30 days. And if they do, they shall be cast into a lions den. And of course Daniel did his 3 a day praying.
Into the den he is a tossed. And in the morning, there he was hangin with the lions. The king was amazed and had all of Daniels accusers, their wives and children sent to the den and the lions gobbled them up. I wonder if they tell that part of the story in all the cute childrens books about Daniel and the lions?
The king tells everyone they must tremble in the sight of Daniels God...
We are back on long shall it last this time?
Daniel 1-3
Daniel decides he shan't defile himself with the kings gross-o food, and asks that he may have a veggie diet, yeah Daniel. And guess what? The veggies made them big and strong. This should be the lesson we learn from Daniel.
Then the king has a dream that he wants interpreted, so he calls as the sorcerers and the like in to tell him what it means, and if they can't he gonna kill em, hows that for pressure?! Can they? No. But guess who can?
Nope cause hes dead....
Yep. God came in and told him what the dream was AND what it meant.
So Daniel saved the day for himself and all the wise men that the king was going to have axed.
Of course the dream was about the kings empire taking a fall and another one rising up.....
Maybe because he was so happy to have his dream interpreted or maybe in an effort to not have it come true, the king had a giant golden statue made. He then ordered that everyone who sees it, shall bow down before it. Daniel and his cronies refuse and sentenced to a fiery demise. The fire is lite and the boys tossed in. But they don't burn? They just sorta hang out in the fire and talk and play games and toss around the ole pigskin....
This freaks Neb out (as one might imagine) so he orders everyone to worship their God or be cut to pieces. I guess that's one way to convert the masses?
Oh yeah....and they boys get a promotion to boot.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
E 44-45
Also, what to bring to each party. Apparently someone is bringing New Moon, which is one of my favorite winter beers.
So that's good.
E 44-45
Also, what to bring to each party. Apparently someone is bringing New Moon, which is one of my favorite winter beers.
So that's good.